

軟件類型:國外軟件 授權方式:共享軟件 界面語言:英文軟件 軟件大小:2.45 MB 文件類型:.exe 運行環境:Win2003,WinXP,Win2000,Win9X 軟件等級:3 發布時間:2010-12-24 23:14:50 官方網址: 下載次數:0

Recover data from a broken RAID Level 5 or RAID Level 0 Array. Even if you do not know the RAID parameters, such as drive order and block size, RAID Reconstructor will analyze your drives and determine the correct values. You will then be able to create a copy of the reconstructed RAID in a virtual image, an image file or on a physical drive.

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